Monday, June 30, 2008

The Growth Has Started!

Okay, we have now put a yardstick out by the pumpkin plant. Saturday, 6/28/08, the plant grew 4.5 inches! The diameter of the plant is over 25" now!

We are watering it 2-3x/day. I am putting a small amount of organic fertilizer on it weekly.

I think Bob & I are way more excited about this project than the kids, but I think now that the growth has started, hopefully they'll get more interested.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ummmm.... this what your gigantic pumpkin looks like?? It is June 10th. Shouldn't there be a little more? I sang a song to it today....a grow, Grow, GRow, GROw, GROW already song. I will let you know if it worked.
My weeds grow....